We work in four administrative parishes of the town-council of Butiiti in the Kyenjojo district of Uganda.
Our mission is an “unselfish service” to the poor and to improve the quality of life of people.
The main objective is to eradicate ignorance and tackle poverty through “engaging communities”.
We execute projects and establish contacts with individuals, organizations and people of good will, within and outside Uganda.
Support our initiative and donate for our projects.
You can also help a child with a sponsorship.
Beyond all borders
BCICI is a Ugandan, non-profit, charitable organization, founded in 2017, which has the purpose of promoting and improving the well-being of communities in Butiiti town-council, Kyenjojo district, Uganda.
We fight against illness, ignorance, illiteracy and poverty in order to improve the quality of life of our communities. We assist, without any religious or political discrimination, orphans and vulnerable children in their basic needs, families and individuals living in extreme poverty.
Where we are
Uganda is an east-african country. Butiiti is in the west of Uganda near the city Fort Portal. We work in four administrative parishes of the town-council of Butiiti. That is, Butiiti, Mukunyu, Busanza and Rubona-Kakindo, in the Kyenjojo district of Uganda. Within the 4 parishes there are 27 villages.
The area has a population of 20,625 people: 9,488 males, 11,137 females. The total number of children below 18 years is 14,449.
Global data is alarming:
- 84 million people have been infected world-wide with HIV/AIDS and
- 40 million have died of AIDS-related illness.
- In Uganda, 1.4 million people are affected by HIV/AIDS (3 % of the population),
- 54,000 new infected persons each year, 17,000 deaths with the tragic consequence of
- about 800,000 orphans annually and about 15,000 children are born with infection from HIV.
It is indispensable and urgent to develop strategies to reduce the AIDS epidemic. The poverty of the people (more than 25% survives with less than one US dollar a day) is one of the main factors triggering this plague. Young women and even girls in order to survive, adapt unhealthy sexual behaviors by exposing themselves to infection. Poverty creates despair, so individuals and groups are involved in illegal activities and behaviors that cause social disorder and death. Children do not go to school because their parents cannot pay school fees.
In fact in Uganda more than 30% of the population is illiterate and without any training. This hampers the development of a country in the current world which is driven by rapidly evolving technology.
Improve the life of people in poor communities in the town-council of Butiiti in particular, and in Kyenjojo district in general with particular attention to the most vulnerable people such as disabled, orphans, women in distress, victims of serious diseases such as HIV /AIDS.

To ensure that vulnerable groups and families in Butiiti access employment opportunities in order to achieve financial independence. To help these groups with household income support programs for better livelihood.
To ensure that families and individuals in Butiiti have access to health information and services.
Keeping children in school until graduation (especially the girl child and the orphans). Support government and other community efforts in the improvement and provision of quality education and vocational training.
Our high priority is improving the education that the children receive.
To help poor communities, families and individuals, to have access to safe water and sanitation services.
This will be done through collaboration with Kyenjojo District Authorities and with other national and international agencies and organizations that can provide these services.
To ensure that groups at risk in Butiiti are helped to avoid circumstances that lead their lives into danger such as violence, poverty, alcoholism/drug abuse, unexpected pregnancies, early marriages, etc.
We want to help the voiceless and poor individuals to also have access to peace and justice services.
To promote access to sports and cultural activities as a means to personal expression, development of social skills and professional integration.
To promote spiritual growth and development by encouraging active and full participation in Church activities, biblical and liturgical formation, family and youth apostolate, ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue.
Our initiative is supported by 11 staff members (executive + board) and 5 other member. These are some of the board members and administration staff.

Father Dr. Robert Mutegeki
Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Christopher Asiimwe
Chairman Board

Ms Jacqueline N. Ngonzi
Vice Chairperson Board

Mr. Ronald Karamagi
General Secretary

Rev. Sr. Jane Rita Kisembo

Mr. Vincent Rujumba
Chairperson Executive Council

Ms. Beatrice Namara
We work in order to improve the life for those who live in extreme poverty, disease and ignorance. We do this through making contacts with individuals, organizations, agencies, government, and people of good will, within and outside Uganda.
Sponsorship for a child
The children are directly affected in the following ways:
- Some have no shelter and nothing to eat or wear,
- often live too far from a school,
- many adults do not consider schooling necessary because they have never attended school themselves,
- many children have to work in the fields to earn a living or to pay school fees,
- when the children get sick, they can’t go to the hospital.
Preventing illnesses for better health, especially HIV / AIDS prevention activities
- Meetings on health and prevention of HIV / AIDS in the Church, Mosque, School and Villages.
- Sports activities (football, basketball, volleyball, etc.)
- Cultural activities (music, dance, theater) to develop self-expression and interaction between groups
- Interreligious dialogue meetings
Poverty eradication activities
- Educate groups and families on credit and savings plans and conduct seminars to optimize livestock farming methods.
- Seminars for management of small business activities.
- Protection of the environment through afforestation
- Periodic monitoring and evaluation of projects / activities to determine effectiveness and efficiency.
Access to training activities
- Identifying vulnerable orphans and children who need basic learning and more help than others. This will be done in conjunction with local government councils, with village leaders, etc.
- Supporting students with the necessary school materials and suitable equipment
- Establishing scholarships to help children with skill and intelligence who do not have enough money to continue their schooling until graduation.
These are some of the many examples where our initiative is helping children and families.
(Click on or hover over a photo to get information)
We have launched several projects. Some are already finished, many ongoing and some are still in planning. You can get an overview of our activities and progress on ongoing projects by clicking on the “News Blog” link. These are our latest news.
Support us
As a charity organisation we are dependent on the good hearts of people who support our initiative with donations.
Please help us in making the lives of children and families in need better. Click on the link below to go to our donations page and get information about various donation options.
Your action will make a difference.
contact information
Butiiti Children in Christ Initiative Ltd
P.O. Box 386
Butiiti Sub County,
Fort Portal, Uganda
Please fill the contact form and we will come back to you shortly.
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